古典吧>英语词典>turning away翻译和用法

turning away

v. 转变方向;转变方向
[网络] 转过身去;于是我转身离开;边转身离开



  • Again, when the evil-doer, turning away from the evil he has done, does what is ordered and right, he will have life for his soul.
  • But if the evil-doer, turning away from all the sins which he has done, keeps my rules and does what is ordered and right, life will certainly be his; death will not be his fate.
  • Turning away or in the opposite direction.
  • "Yet a gentleman should not be unjust neither," said biddy, turning away her head.
  • Younger Japanese consumers in particular are turning away from cars, spending their money on electronics or other goods.
  • What is clear from the data is that foreigners have not deserted the US economy so far and no evidence suggests that they are on the verge of turning away from the largest economy in the world.
  • In the middle of the deepest turmoil, there is Peace and Love to be found by turning away from the Darkness, to the Light, and asking for your Father's help.
  • He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea
  • Turning away from the use of lenses, Newton devised the reflecting telescope, which makes use of a bowl-shaped metal mirror to focus the light from the stars.
  • Turning away from those who care too much.